Watching families grow

One of the best parts of capturing moments in time is being able to pass them along to the families and seeing their expressions and watching their faces light up!

One of my good friends Stephanie and her husband Dwayne were expecting their fist child in March. We went out to her families farm in Northern KY, and while it was great to be out doors and smell the fresh air and see the many horses they have, it was just one of those winter days where all you could see was gray! I wasn’t going to let the lack of sunlight ruin the day! It was up to me to be able to capture the natural beauty of expecting new life.IMG_4701-11

One of my favorite parts of the day was when they got out Stephanie’s first baby, a beautiful mare. I always love the opportunity to capture animal, especially  horses.


Just a few weeks later we got the call that Steph went into labor at 5am and delivered him at 3pm the same day!

BORN TO THIS WORLD on 3/13 20117

Dwayne Everett Hale the 3rd (we call him Everett)


8lbs 15oz  21″ 3/4 long